
Showing posts from January, 2021

Blog Post #2: The History of The Supreme Court

  If I am being completely honest, I don't know that much about the supreme court. As much as I keep up with current events, I never really looked into how the supreme court works. Reading about the history of the supreme court was interesting and helpful, especially due to current events.  What is the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court is the highest level of court and the head of the Judicial branch. The Supreme Court has the final say on laws and cases brought to their attention. The Supreme Court is made up of Supreme Court Justices. These Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President of the United States and then later ratified by the Senate. There are currently nine Supreme Court Justices. As of Today, 115 different justices have served on the Supreme Court.   How did the Supreme Court come into existence?  The Supreme Court was established in 1780. George Washington signed an act that stated that six justices would serve on the Supreme Court until their death or if the

Blog Post #1: Where Do I Find My News?

I have always loved reading about current events. In today's world, it is so so so important for everyone to stay caught up with the news and to continue to educate themselves on the issues going on in the world. I am on my phone... a lot. I see most of my news on my phone, but I still see the news, I am still keeping up to date, and I am continuing to educate myself on issues in the world today. Twitter Whenever I am on Twitter, I always check out the explore page. Twitter's trending hashtags always give me a generic idea of whats going on. I love seeing news on Twitter because I can see what other people think about it easily. If I want to see what people are tweeting about a current news event, it is very easy for me to search the word and find tweets relating to it. Twitter is always my baseline for news. Instagram Like Twitter, I am always on Instagram. I find my news on Instagram from political and activist accounts that I follow. I also love being able to see the comment

About Me!!!

 Hello! I am Natalie Belsha. I am from Raleigh, North Carolina and I am a sophomore at High Point University studying Pop Culture and Media Production with a minor in Public and Professional Writing. I've learned that I love social media marketing and script writing from the classes I've taken so far. After High Point, I hope to move to New York or Los Angeles to focus on careers in the entertainment industry. I would also love to manage social media accounts for various companies. I love playing video games, reading, and watching way too much TV. I have a crazy dog named Daisy and a lazy cat named Belle back at home that I miss very dearly. I have been doing graphic design projects since I was in middle school, and I hope to continue to further my knowledge of graphic design after college. You can find my creative portfolio here