
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Relationship With Technology

I grew up in a very technology positive family. Both of my parents work in the technology field, and I had my first laptop when I was very young (granted it was my mom's old one and it could barely run anything but Webkinz ran pretty well). I've always been active on social media and the internet, and I find it really hard to not be. Since I grew up with technology, I feel like I have an unhealthy dependence on it. I wasn't allowed to have an instagram, snapchat, or twitter until I was 12, but ever since then I've been attached at the hip with them. Even though these three platforms are all forms of social media, I have very different relationships with each of them. And with the rise of TikTok, my outlook on social media has continued to grow more complicated. I really want to delete Instagram and Snapchat. I find myself looking at my friends accounts and comparing myself to them. I find myself scrolling through old classmates accounts and feeling bad about myself beca

Diffusion Theory

  Diffusion theory Diffusion theory is a theory that explains how new technologies and ideas spread around. In order to explain it, I want to use Spotify and music streaming in general as my examples. I love Spotify, and music streaming in general, but I also remember when it was a new thing and not many people actually used it. During the innovators stage of Spotify, the idea of music streaming was introduced. The first one I remember was pandora. Pandora allowed users to listen to certain radio stations of their choice. They weren’t able to choose what song to play, but they could create their own stations. Spotify was created only a year later.  Before this itunes store was introduced. People could buy digital songs and have them downloaded directly to their devices.  People that originally started using itunes, pandora, and spotify were the early adopters. Those who created the platforms were the innovators. After more and more people started to use the platforms, it became more of